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Are we seeking Healthcare or Sickcare?


Happy Heart Health Month!  Did you know that February is Heart Health month? A whole month dedicated to awareness about the health of our heart and education on what we can do to improve our heart health or cardiovascular health.  Physical therapy plays a huge role in educating the public on cardiovascular health and (if we allow it) plays a huge role in rehabilitation of cardiovascular health. 

I want to share a real life example of how physical activity and physical therapists can have a role in heart health. I have a client who received news that during her physical checkup by her primary care physician (PCP) that she has high blood pressure. She is a 40 year old mom of two boys who has a moderately active lifestyle. Her doctor started talking to her about a medication she would prescribe to my client to treat high blood pressure. As her doctor turned back to her computer screen to begin completing the prescription order, my client asked, “Isn’t there something else I can do to lower my blood pressure? I’m only 40 years old and I really don’t want to be on medication for my blood pressure for the rest of my life!” Her doctor paused, looked at my client and stated, “Well, you can try to exercise and lower your blood pressure. We will re-check in two months and if it isn’t lower, I am prescribing the medication.” 

For the next two months, my client was determined to follow the exercise recommendations of her physical therapist. She exercised regularly, five times per week, scheduling her time to exercise and making it a priority. She advocated for herself in that doctor’s office and she was motivated to stay off a blood pressure medication that she would undoubtedly need the rest of her life if she didn’t include the increase in consistent movement and exercise. 

Two months later, she received exciting news at her doctor’s appointment! Her blood pressure measurement had lowered to what her doctor was looking for and she no longer recommended prescribing the medication. My client was so happy! But more importantly, she decided to continue this exercise regimen, remembering that it was what kept her blood pressure in a normal range. 

What if we all sought healthcare, instead of sickcare? I can’t be credited for coining the name, sickcare, but if we really stop to think about what our current healthcare system is designed to do, it is exactly that. Sick care. Instead of first approaching my client’s medical problem with an option that would not only help with blood pressure but also strengthen her, give her more energy, help her sleep better and help her feel better overall, the first (and seemingly only choice given) was a prescription. What if we all looked towards movement, healthy eating, good sleep habits - all the things “we know” we should do - to help with what ailes us? 

Please don’t misunderstand - I am fully aware that there are many things for which medication is needed. Many diagnoses that without the medication, there is little hope for living a quality life. What I hope to spark is awareness, even advocacy, for HEALTH care. Health care that encourages patients to include consistent, daily movement. Encourage them that it is possible - no matter who you are. Health care that educates and empowers patients to make better nutrition choices, sleep habits and stress management. Doesn’t that sound like a simple path forward? We could go on discussing how this would lower the cost of healthcare by reducing the amount of prescriptions we pay for, the number of tests we run, etc. But the biggest win out of this is helping people feel better - isn’t that the side effect we are seeking most?

So Happy Heart Health Month! Give your heart a gift and go out for a walk - it’ll love you for it now and thank you later!

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